Friday, June 4, 2010

Basin, WY

After we left Yellowstone it was only a 2 hour drive to Basin WY. The stretch of highway right outside of Cody was crazy;  It was insane nothingness.  Haha.  It was cool though.  We made it Sue and Ray's, good family friends of mine, around 8pm. We were greeted with a home cooked meal of Bufflo Ribs Steaks, Fresh Potatos from the garden, and veggies.  It was awesome to have non-restaurant food for a change. And the meals did not let up, from Breakfast to dinner, and everything in between, we had fresh and homemade food.  Eggs, Bufflo Sausage, Cinnamon Toast, Bufflo Burgers, Chicken Fried Steak, Garlic Herb Bread, Spaghetti with Beef and Sausage Meat Sauce.  Awww, it was awesome.  We ate well all weekend. We had some wine and chit-chatted until about midnight before we all went to bed.

The next morning they took us out on the 4-wheelers, and the side by side (aka The Rhino), and went dinosaur bone hunting.  We found some good pieces of bone, and some petrefied wood as well, but we got interupted by a rain storm. So we went back to the house, and waited it out, before heading back out.  When we went back out everything was wet and muddy, the best condition for 4-wheeling. Haha at least as far as I am concerned.  It was awesome, we were convered from head to toe in Mud.  It was really fun.

The next day, we took the 4-wheelers and the Rhino up into the Mountains.  It was awesome. Views were incredible, and we got into some pretty hairy terrain.  Billy loved it.  At one point he almost flipped us completely over. I had to roll off the machine, and wait until he got it turn back onto its wheels.  I wish I got a picture of it, but unfortunately I didn't. We parked our machines, and hiked through a valley to find some cool rocks, and coral.  Again, Billy was pumped.  He was looking for fossils, and using his rock hammer.  Haha, he was like a fish in water.  We moved on to other parts of the mountain, just cruising through on the 4-wheelers.  I got to drive the Rhino, and it was awesome.  That thing is like a work horse.  We were climbing up and down rocks,through rivers, and Mud, and that thing was not phased at all.  It just kepted trucking.  I was impressed.

The next day we went back out to the dessert so Billy could do a little more amature paleontology.  We found a spot that had a bunch Dinosaur bone fragments, and teeth.  Billy went crazy, literally.  Haha.  It was funny.  He could have spent days out there, but we peeled him away late in the day to head back to the house.  After three days of 4-wheeling, and Dino Bone hunting, we were all exhuasted.  We had a blast though.  Billy and I agree, that this was definitely a favorite on our trip, and we will be visiting again.  Thanks to our amazing friends, host, and tour guides for the wonderful adventure.  Your hospitality is very much appreciated.

Our Next stop is Wall, SD, the home to the Historic "Wall Drug Store", and "Ice Water Shop." Below are some pictures from our stay in Basin, WY.  Enjoy.

Click here to see more photos on Facebook!

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