Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Drive Home!

The next morning we drove through Shenandoah National Park.  We drove the Skyline Drive for 25 to 30 miles and saw some of the Appellation Mountains.  We saw a black bear on the side of the road, and after she went into the woods, we saw two little cubs with her.  It was really cool to see them fairly close up.  We decided to drive straight home rather than stop for another night.  We got stuck in traffic in New York City, going over the George Washington Bridge, and again in CT due to construction.  Other than that it was not too bad, and we got home about 12am Tuesday morning.  It was nice to be home.  We saw Sandy, and she was so excited to see us.  “There’s no place like home!”

Click here to see more photos on Facebook!


  1. Welcome back home!!!!! What a trip of a lifetime. I hope you keep your blog going!!!

  2. Hi Billy and Sara,
    I was just searching for road trip adventure blogs and came upon yours. I see that your adventure has come and gone but I wanted to connect anyway. I'm driving cross country in August. I hope you'll check out my blog about the adventure at
